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🚨 UPDATE - Scrimmages and Season Launches at Alert Level 2 🚨

We hope that everyone is finding their way around this new normal as NZ continues its fight against COVID-19. With the new game out and plenty of game and robot kits already shipped out across the country, I can only imagine what fantastic designs everyone is working on!

As many of you may know, the current stage of Level 2 restricts us from groups of greater than 10 people, and the government is actively working with sporting groups and schools to see how events can take place. While not a sport, our gatherings still generally garner more than 10 people, and so even in a public space like a museum, we cannot have more than 10 people and restricted to 2hrs.

This means that while NZ is still requiring 10 person limits, we will not be hosting scrimmages or season launches.

That said, you may hear from us (and the Regional Coordinators) about the events we have planned should the limits be lifted in time for them to go ahead.

If limits are not lifted by the date of the event, the event will be cancelled and we will do our best to inform you in advance.

Going forward, things are going to look a wee bit different for a while as we all unite against COVID. We hope that we can make this gradual re-introduction as smooth as possible for you all and get this season going soon!

Things to expect:

  • RSVP requirements for events (we've built a new system specifically for this, more soon!)

  • Digital check in on arrival at an event

  • Capped numbers to ensure we can maintain social distancing

  • More cleaning

  • More comms from us 😊😊

Check out our Events tab for our upcoming scrimmages that we (hopefully) will be able to run as scheduled!

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