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📢 Alert Level 2: Events are back on - with a few changes 📢


Updated: Aug 18, 2020

Congratulations New Zealand! By sticking to protocols and working together, we're doing well in the battle against COVID-19 in NZ and are fortunate enough to see that events can now have gatherings of up to 100 people!

Please read the information below carefully, as these protocols will be what the new normal looks like for our events as we work to the government rules.

Events will be slowly ramped up as we check where we can host our events and do so safely.


Events will be a maximum of 100 people. To help us maintain the correct numbers, we want everyone to RSVP that they will be attending at - a platform we have set up specifically to help keep these numbers under control.

Every person planning on attending the event must RSVP, even if you're in the same team or bubble - an RSVP is not for the whole team. This means parents, teachers, and anyone else that plans on coming along as a supporter.

You can register on the day at the door, however if the maximum is already reached, you will not be able to enter the venue. We recommend registering at least 24hrs before the event.

The platform website is also our contact tracing form - on the day of the event, you will need to Sign In once you are at the venue to timestamp when you enter. Luckily, it's as easy as entering your first and last name, then hitting "Sign in" :)

Some venues are smaller meaning that to maintain appropriate social distancing for groups, our Regional Coordinators will lower the capacities below 100 people. So it's super important you RSVP!

(Note, in regions where there are large numbers of teams and we expect more than 100, we will run a randomised lottery to select which teams can attend to keep it fair so everyone gets a chance to attend and compete at the scrimmage.)


To ensure sign in and out for contact tracing, we will restrict entry to a venue to just one point (usually the main door). Give yourself a little extra time to arrive if you are new or unfamiliar with the venue to find your way around - we are working on increasing our signage to help with this in future.

We are working with schools to try and get a normal season going, however for Term 2 many schools are still not allowing other groups on premises. We will keep working on other ways to have have mixed school events - please keep checking our Events tab to know whats scheduled to be on.

Cleaning and New Hygiene Practises

We're sure it's old news to you now, so we won't harp on - just remember to keep washing your hands and keep sneezes and coughs in your elbows. Avoid touching your face as much as you can - especially as teams will be working closely and may be sharing items.

As we head into winter, sniffles and colds are going to start coming into play. If you are sick, have a sore throat or showing any other signs of illness, please do not come to an event.

Feel free to familiarise yourself with the Ministry of Health guidelines for tips on staying safe.

Our Regional Coordinators will be implementing a new cleaning schedule where shared surfaces like door handles, tables etc will be wiped down. This is quite a big task as we adjust to this new way of running scrimmages and it may slow down scrimmages, so we ask everyone to please be patient and help out where appropriate or if asked by a Regional Coordinator. We will have spray bottles for teams to wipe down their pit tables and any shared items such as controllers etc..

We will be providing some hand sanitiser at our events at key points like the entrance and at the fields. To help this last, we do encourage that those with their own sanitiser also bring it for themselves. Those who wish to wear masks may do so, to help limit the risks of asymptomatic transmission.


For all the amazing volunteers who help us with scrimmages, setting up fields, running the day etc., we are very conscious that you will be most privy to touching shared surfaces. We will provide cleaning sprays to use at the main IT hub where you are based, as well as disposable gloves that you can use for setting up of gear etc. if you so wish to use.

Volunteers will be helping our Regional Coordinators with the cleaning protocols to help keep things running smoothly - as we are all responsible for each others' safety, please let a Regional Coordinator know if you are concerned about anything or have ideas and feedback.

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